Frequently asked questions.
What is Radon?
From the CDC website: “Radon is an odorless and invisible radioactive gas naturally released from rocks, soil, and water. In outdoor environments, radon levels are very low and generally not considered harmful.
Radon can get into homes or buildings through small cracks or holes and build up to higher levels. Over time, breathing in high radon levels can cause lung cancer.”
What is involved in Radon testing?
Either a radon monitor or carbon test kit will be setup in your home and absorb the radon in the air. For accurate test results all windows and exterior doors in the testing area must be kept shut for 12 hours prior to the start of testing and all during the testing period. This prevents the radon from flowing quickly out of the space and not being accurately captured by the test kits. You may still run heating and air conditioning units.
To prevent false results, do not touch the testing kits while they are running. The Radon Monitor needs an outlet.
How long does testing take?
A radon monitor will run for 48 hours and a carbon test kit will run for 72 hours.
What happens after testing?
If the radon levels are found to be above EPA acceptable levels then the Camilo Environmental Group Inc can install a radon mitigation unit. The unit is setup in a basement or subfloor and will suction the radon from the ground and discard the radon gases as a safe distance through a new exhaust pipe on the outside of the building.